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Updated: Jan 2, 2022

Chapter 6 – Who ARE you??

D&C 95: 5 But behold, verily I say unto YOU, that there are many who have been ordained among YOU, whom I have called but few of them “ARE” chosen. 6 They who “ARE” not chosen have sinned a very grievous sin, in that they “ARE” walking in darkness at noon-day.

Either “YOU” “ARE” chosen OR “YOU” “ARE” walking around in darkness!

It’s actually a choice you have already made to BE something and now “ARE. “ARE” exists ONLY in the present time. Apparently there ARE many who have chosen to walk around in Darkness of the Natural man Enemy TO God (Mosiah 3:19), because you have not Come unto Christ and surrendered your “self” on the altar of Christ and allowed Christ to “PUT OFF” your natural man (lovingly take away all the suffering and pain and bitterness when . Do you still think you can “Fix” your natural man ego and make him/her into a “Christ-like” man/woman, if you can just work hard enough to save yourself and make your self perfect?

Romans 8:15 “For as many as are led by the Spirit of Christ, they “ARE” the sons (and daughters) of God”.

1 Corinthians 3:15 When your heart shall turn (back) to the Lord, the Vail (over your heart and mind) is taken away.

Acts 17;28 In Him (Christ) we Live and Move and Have our Being!

1 Cor. 3:16-17 Know ye not that ye ARE The Temple of God and that God dwelleth IN you? The Spirit of God dwelleth IN you, which Temple ye ARE!

1 Cor.3: 9 Ye ARE God’s Building – (having your) Foundation IS Christ.

1 Cor. 2:16 We have the Mind of Christ.

Ephesians 2: 21-22 In Christ ye are builded together for an habitation of God through (By) the Holy Spirit.

That ye, by His Glory, be strengthened by His Spirit in your Inner man, and that Christ my dwell in your heart by faith that ye, being rooted and Grounded by His Love. Eph. 3: 16-17

D&C 88: 50 I am the True Light that is IN you, and you ARE “IN” Me, otherwise you cannot Abound (Thrive, Live, Exist).

D&C 93: 33 Man IS Spirit! Man IS the Tabernacle of God, even Temples!

One Lord, one faith, ONE GOD and Father of all, Who IS above “all” and through “all” and IN you “ALL”.

We live no more after the flesh (Natural Man). All things are OF God, and if any man/woman be IN Christ, then he/she is a NEW creature (creation), that we be made the righteousness of God IN Christ. 2 Cor. 15, 17-18,21.

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Jeff is a disciple of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. His mind is disciplined by persistent study of the word of God. He boldly stands and teaches the gospel in ways that touches peoples hearts to be able to see deeper layers revealed in the scriptures.

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