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What Have I Promised and Offered You?

John 17:3 & D&C 132:24 Did I say that “This is Eternal Life to KNOW the Only True God and Jesus Christ?

Isaiah 61:10 Did I say that I have clothed you with the garments of Salvation and the Robe of My Righteousness….as a bride? Romans 8:38-39 Did I say that nothing can separate you from My Love?

D&C 84: 47-48 Did I say that everyone that hearkens to the Voice of the Spirit, cometh unto God, and the Father teaches you of “The Covenant”?

John 8:12 Did I say that whomever follows Me, will never walk in darkness, but will (always) have the Light of LIFE? Zeph. 3:17 Did I say that I am in the midst of you and that I rejoice over you with Joy and singing? Psalms 23:1 Did I say that I AM your shepherd, and you shall NOT Want? 2 Nephi 26: 27-28 Did I say that I have commanded any that they should NOT partake of my Salvation and My Goodness, but that I have given it for FREE for all men/women and that NONE are forbidden? 2 Nephi 20:27 Did I say that I would remove your yoke of Bondage by “The Anointing”? Did I say that those who Come unto Me shall enter into My Rest (the Fulness of My Glory)? 2 Nephi 25: 29 Did I say that if ye will Believe in Christ and deny Him not, and worship Him with ALL your might, mind and strength and your whole heart, that ye would not be cast out? Did I say that if ye will Believe and Come unto Me that the gates of hell would not prevail against you? Isaiah 43:1 Did I say that I have redeemed you and called you by My Name and you ARE Mine?

Alma 32:42 Did I say that if you choose to Re-Ceive the Tree of Life (My Love

/The Bread of Life/Living Waters) that you would Not hunger or Thirst again? D&C 88: 50 Did I say that I AM the True Light that is IN you and you are IN Me? Proverbs 3:5-7 Did I say that if you trust Me with ALL your heart and not your own understanding and not be wise in your own eyes, that I would direct ALL your paths and make all your paths straight? 3 Ne. 15: 9 Did I say that if you look unto Me as the Law and the Light, that ye shall live and I will Gift you Eternal Life? D&C 6:13 & 14:7 Did I say that Salvation and Eternal Life are the greatest Gifts of God and none greater? 2 Nephi 4:34 Did I say that cursed is he that puts his trust in man (Self or others) or who makes flesh his ARM?

Moroni 10: 32-33 Did I say that I would perfect you by My Grace and make you holy, without spot and sanctify you by the shedding of My Blood – if you would just Come unto Me, deny your UN-Godliness, and Love Me with all your might, mind, and Strength? Alma 22:14, Alma 11:40 Did I say that since you have fallen that you could not merit anything of your selves, but that if you would Believe on MY “Name”, that you would have My Salvation AND Eternal Life? Ephesians 2: 8-9 2 Nephi 10:24 Did I say that I would save you from your Self and your sinfulness by My Grace ALONE, not of Works, so that no man could boast and that it would be ONLY IN and through My Grace that you are saved?

2 Nephi 2: 27 Did I say that all things are gifted to you which are expedient and that you are free to choose liberty and Eternal Life through Me or that you are free to choose captivity and death? Moses 1:39 Did I say that it is My Work to bring to pass your Immortality and Eternal LIFE?

John 14: 3, 18, 23 Did I say that I would not leave you comfortless, but that I would comfort you and abide with you and in you and that I have a mansion in Heaven prepared for you? Did I say that I AM the WAY, The Truth, and The Life?

2 Nephi 2:5 Did I say that no flesh can dwell in the Presence of God, save it be through My merits, and Mercy, and Grace, that I laid down My Life for you and took it up again by the Power of My Spirit, that they who Be-Live IN Me shall be Saved and dwell in My Presence? John 3:16 Did I say that whosoever shall Believe in Me should NOT perish but have Eternal Life? 3 Nephi 9:13-24 Did I say that if you will Come unto Me that ye shall have Eternal Life and whosoever will Come, I will Re-Ceive as many as Believe on My NAME, for by Me Redemption cometh, and whoso cometh unto Me with broken heart, I shall baptize (immerse) with FIRE?

D&C 76: 41-43 Did I say that My Gospel is the glad tidings that I have come unto you to be crucified, to bear your sins, to sanctify you, and cleanse you from all unrighteousness, and that ALL whom the Father has given Me, and that I save ALL the works of His Hands?

John 3:16 Did I say that I have so loved the world (you), that I sent my Son, not to Condemn you, but that you might be Saved? I LOVE YOU PERFECTLY!


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Jeff is a disciple of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. His mind is disciplined by persistent study of the word of God. He boldly stands and teaches the gospel in ways that touches peoples hearts to be able to see deeper layers revealed in the scriptures.

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